I stayed for 12 hours today. She is getting sick! Coughing her guts out! She was disoriented, and panicky! She asked me to lay down with her so I crawled in bed beside her. She was clinging to my arm for over an hour.
She could have used some hugs from her other children. If they only understood how much she misses them I know they would come. Shortly after 7 pm my sister that lives here showed up! I was surprised! She stayed for about 45 minutes. That was very good! She hasn't been in awhile.
There is so much pain involved when no one visits mom. I ache in my heart so much. I want them to be here to support her. Stay longer than five minutes, hold mom, hug her a lot, hold her hand she would know who was there. This is the hardest part of taking care of mom. They have stopped supporting mom financially too. I haven't had any money from them in over four months. I did call my brother who lives a few hours away. He sent me money. I was so grateful.
Sorry I didn't mean to go off on a tangent. Just have no one to talk to. No one to share my ups and downs with mom. I am blessed everyday to be with her and love her.
Crochet is more upbeat!
I made more of the little red baskets today! I made a mistake on two of them! I accidentally left off the last row! It actually looks good and it will hold a folded Valentine note and a Hershey Kiss! Check it out!
Not too much difference but faster to make!
I started a child's hat and got about half of it done! I would have finished it but I needed to make my square of the day!
It looks huge but its not!
Here is today's square.
Good Night!
Very tired!
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